American University of Bahrain

For a lifetime of success
Strategic positioning and integrated campaign for first semester enrollment at Bahrain's new American University

This client had an existing contracted agency who were failing to deliver ‘big idea’ concepts for a brand new university. Their mistake? Trying to be ‘clever’ without considering the underlying issues, resulting in creative work that was more suited for an existing, established university.

What was needed was a very direct, simple proposition to drive enrolment for the very first semester of a brand-new university. Having strategised the fundamentals of what this University stood for (and developed its slogan) we looked at the issue and considered it from a public perception point of view. What is this university? Why does it exist? It exists to provide an American college education IN BAHRAIN. Many Bahraini parents favour such an education, but are not comfortable with their children living overseas, so the concept was simple: “Study in the states, live in Bahrain” (at home). How do you get right to the point visually across online, press and outdoor? The first thing that people think of for “American university” is the sports aspect. The football, basketball, baseball...

We created an integrated (digital-heavy) enrolment campaign. How? By shooting compelling imagery of Arab / Bahraini youth wearing American university / sports related clothing and accessories - a juxtaposition between a baseball shirt and hajab, thobe to American football.... a concept of immediacy and cut through to the audience - and with low cost to shoot.

Our campaign was very successful and over-achieved our planned KPI with 114%. We served almost  20 million impressions with 17,000 clicks recorded leading to an above average CTR of 0.89%. An average CTR ranges between 0.07% - 0.1%... Moreover, we were able to generate over 119,000 engagements on social platforms leading to an above average engagement rate of 11.69%. An average engagement rate ranges between 3-5%... Campaign budget: circa BD 60,000 in total. ROI (over 3 years of annual fees from first semester enrolment) approx 6,500%. (130 students x 3 years).

Client: American University of Bahrain

Discipline: Advertising Branding & Strategy

Sector: Education

AUBH instagram The integrated campaign for first semester enrollment at the new American University of Bahrain resulted in a cumulative return on investment of around 6,500% over 3 years. Alt text Arabic press advert Alt text

Client: American University of Bahrain

Discipline: Advertising Branding & Strategy

Sector: Education